Bird Rock Coffee

San Diego, California

Welcome to Bird Rock Coffee, where the pursuit of perfection is at the heart of everything they do.

From farmer to beans, roasting to brewing, their service, their relationship with their neighborhood, and their environmental impact, Bird Rock Coffee always strives for perfection.

Established in San Diego, Bird Rock Coffee has made a name for itself in the coffee industry, earning the prestigious Roaster of the Year award in 2012 from Roast Magazine.

They are a regular contributor to the international coffee industry and a consistent winner of scores above 90 from Coffee Review.

But it's not just about the awards.

Bird Rock Coffee is committed to establishing meaningful relationships with coffee producers worldwide who share their passion for excellence.

They go beyond the confines of the fair trade structure and engage in direct trade with farmers, ensuring that their beans are of the highest quality and produced sustainably and ethically.

Bird Rock Coffee is also dedicated to educating its customers about the art and science of specialty coffee.

They believe great coffee is more than just a drink; it's an experience that should be savored and enjoyed.

They want everyone who visits their cafes to learn a deeper understanding of what makes a great cup of coffee.

If you're looking for a coffee adventure beyond the cup, check out Bird Rock Coffee.

They're not just serving coffee; they're creating an experience.


Did You Know? Bird Rock Coffee's co-founder, Jeff Taylor, was an award-winning photojournalist before he pursued his passion for coffee full-time. His love for coffee began as a customer and enthusiast, eventually leading him to co-found Bird Rock Coffee.


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